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April 2007 Update
06/20/07     Emergency Communities

EC is preparing for the Diamond Summer Camp and Photo Project! We are gearing up for a summer camp program at the Diamond FEMA Trailer Park - where 450 trailers are packed together in what is basically an American refugee camp. The children have very little to do, and they need our help. We are also going to have a "photo project" for the kids: "Emergency Communities has been working with the children of the storm at the Diamond FEMA Trailer Park in Plaquemines Parish, and will soon have a photography workshop available to them. It’s called the 450 Photo Experience, and will be kicking off in Spring 2007. The workshop will be conducted by Eduardo Mayen and will provide education on the art of photography and hands-on experience in taking photos, to allow the kids to express their life after the storm in photo. Prints of the children's work will be displayed and available for purchase in exhibits to be held in San Diego and Los Angeles in summer 2007, with proceeds benefiting the children's continuing education and Emergency Communities efforts to provide recovery assistance to the residents of these disaster stricken areas. Prints will also be available online. Stay tuned for more information and visit www.450photo.com."



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©2006 Emergency Communities
Design - www.wardmulroy.com - Ward Mulroy, Jason Joslyn

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(06/20/07)  April 2007 Update