Developments in the Lower Ninth
12/11/07     Mark Weiner     comments (4)

Things continue to progress with the two new organizations we're helping out that will take our place. has successfully recruited volunteers and coordinated rebuild projects in the area. The Lower Ninth Ward Village - a permanent community center - is moving along at a rapid clip. Only in the post-Katrina world does putting ourselves out of a job feel so good.

I urge you guys to check out for volunteer opportunities and donations. The Lower Ninth Ward Village should have their own website quite soon, and I will post it when they do.

And thanks for all the support!

New Organizations in the Lower Ninth, and moving on
11/28/07     Mark Weiner     comments (101)

Hi everybody! Sorry about the delay in updating this, it has been months. It's been a hectic and crazy time. In the last three months, our rebuild program has accelerated wonderfully, and we're currently rebuilding six homes with many more on the list.

However, we've been fortunate enough to accomplish our true goal, which is to begin phasing ourselves out while permanent, local organizations step up. We've developed a partnership with and The Lower Ninth Ward Village. is a rebuilding organization that will take over and expand upon our rebuilding program as well as offer a few other community services.

The Village is a permanent community center that is opening just two blocks from us. We have been sending volunteers everyday for many weeks, and once open, will be a huge community resource and a wonderful place for adults and children alike.

With these developments, we're hoping to phase our work out over the next two months. Please check out for more information about their organiztaion. Thanks!

Mayor Nagin and City Council visit us!
08/23/07     Mark Weiner     comments (245)

Yesterday, August 22nd, the city council president (Hon. Arnie Fielkow), Councilwoman Cynthia Willard Lewis, and Mayor Ray Nagin all came to Emergency Communities' site in the Lower 9th Ward! They wanted to thank all the volunteers who've come down since Katrina, and they chose our site for their event. It was a great time, with barbecue, music, and wonderful speeches. They gave us a proclamation as well (I'm the one with red hair holding the proclamation, btw.) Here's a picture taken by Mavis Yorks of Common Ground:

Culinary Corps raises money for EC!
08/20/07     Mark Weiner     comments (129)

Amy Taylor, a chef who has visited our site in the Lower 9th Ward with the Culinary Corps, raised money for Emergency Communities with a great bake sale. The proceeds were donated to us so that we can shop at the Crescent City Farmer's Market, a local market where we can buy fresh produce for our kitchens. Thanks to Amy and the Culinary Corps!

Ben arrived!
08/14/07     Mark Weiner     comments (10000)

After walking almost 900 miles in 45 days, Ben Poor arrived in New Orleans this Thursday. Starting from Indiana, he arrived to a brass band and our summer camp out dancing in the streets. Local news media was there and all of our volunteers came out to greet him with "BEN ROCKS!" signs. All in all, he raised $10,000 for Emergency Communities. That will get us plenty of tools for rebuilding, food to serve to residents, and supplies for our childrens' camps. We're all super excited about Ben's amazing journey.

You can see a clip of him and myself on the local news here. Scroll down through the news stories in the top section and you'll find the story of Ben (it says "Glynn Boyd covers the college student who walked...")

Way to go Ben!



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�2006 Emergency Communities
Design - - Ward Mulroy, Jason Joslyn

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(12/11/07)  Developments in the Lower Ninth
(11/28/07)  New Organizations in the Lower Ninth, and moving on
(08/23/07)  Mayor Nagin and City Council visit us!
(08/20/07)  Culinary Corps raises money for EC!
(08/14/07)  Ben arrived!
(07/27/07)  Longest Walk to New Orleans
(07/20/07)  Rebuild Project
(07/12/07)  The 450 Photo Experience
(07/11/07)  Bingo and Family Night!
(07/05/07)  Leaving Buras...
(06/28/07)  Staying Cool at the Goin� Home Caf�
(06/22/07)  Blog is up!
(06/27/07)  April 2007 Update #2
(06/20/07)  April 2007 Update